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Privacy policy - GDPR


(further only „principles“)

Data administrator, company T&T Czech Brands s.r.o., registered office at Vodní 130/26, 783 35 Horka nad Moravou, IČ: 294 50 667, in trade register in Krajský soud in Ostrava, registered  with Nr. C 54238 (further also as „company“ or „data administrator“) handles with personal information of customers in accordance with valid laws, until 24th May 2018 in accordance with law Nr. 101/2000 Sb., about privacy policy and from 25th May 2018 in accordance with Regulation of European Parliament and Council of Europe 2016/679 from date 27th April 2016 about protection of natural persons in context of collecting personal information and about free motion of this information and about voidance of instruction 95/46/ES (so-called general instruction about privacy policy) (further as „instruction“), as well as in accordance with executing regulations to instruction and related legislation.

These principles manage rules of personal information administrating (also) persons, who enter with contact with information administrator related with administrator’s scope of business activities (further as „buyer“), through Onlineshop t-tomi.cz (further as „Onlineshop“), by other written way or by phone, (also) persons, whom was at website www.t-tomi.cz founded client account (further also as „potential buyer“) (buyer and potential buyer together further as „data subject“). 


We are a company of  T&T Czech Brands s.r.o., company ID: 294 50 667, registered office at Vodní 130/26, 783 35 Horka nad Moravou, tel. +420 777 772 118, e-mail t-tomi@t-tomi.cz with the production and distribution of children's cotton and bamboo products. To your satisfaction, you and our customers store and process your personal data, and in particular the personal data you provide to us when ordering goods and services at the t-tomi.cz internet shop, to the extent necessary.

Representative of  T&T Czech Brands s.r.o. is Mrs Lucie Tlamková, whom you can contact with your questions and comments at t-tomi@t-tomi.cz.

Since our main activity is not extensive processing of special categories of your personal data (so-called sensitive data), nor do we conduct your extensive regular and systematic monitoring, we are not required to appoint personal data protection officers. 


We process:

• Personal information that is necessary to provide the goods and services offered in the e-shop. We only process personal information you provide to yourself when completing the order form within the e-shop, in another written or telephone form. We do not process any particular categories of personal data (so-called sensitive personal data). We process your personal data: name and surname; full postal address or delivery address; telephone number; e-mail adress; payment details (bank account number) when payment for goods and services is made by wire transfer; Purchases of goods and services previously made within an e-shop; The IP address from which the order was received;

• The personal information you provide to us as part of the registration made on the www.t-tomi.cz web site, based on which you can access your user interface and order goods and services. These are: name and surname, email address, IP address.


We process your personal data in electronic form in an automated manner or in a printed form in a non-automated manner.


We process your personal data primarily for the purpose of:

• (1) Proper (impeccable) provision of goods and services offered in the e-shop that you have ordered;

And furthermore based on your consent to:

• (2) Sending business messages, including product and service offerings, newsletters, and communication with customers (opt-out of receiving business messages by clicking on the relevant link, found at the end of each e-mail message or emailed request of Logout sent to: t-tomi@t-tomi.cz);

• (3) Improving the quality and content of the e-shop, internal analyzes of the customer's demand for data subjects, e-shop visit data, products viewed and other data subjects' activities in the e-shop. Processing is only possible after your consent has been granted.

Furthermore, in order to:

• (4) fulfillment of legal obligations established by the laws of the Czech Republic and the European Union;

• (5) if the processing of your personal data is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others; legitimate interests can be understood as, for example, cases of protection of our rights and legal claims (recovery of debt, protection of rights and legal rights of the trustee, direct marketing, protection of property of the trustee, etc.). 


We process your personal information:

• Due to the orderly fulfillment of a contract concluded with an order confirmation sent in the e-shop or other way. In particular, we are interested in the proper and timely delivery of your chosen goods and services to your hands, flexibility in case of changes in your order or if you would like to cancel it (Ad 1);

• Based on informed consent granted for one or more specific purposes (Ad 2, 3);

• Due to the necessity of processing to meet the legal obligation that applies to us (Ad 4);

• Due to the necessity of processing for the purposes of our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party (enforcement of the debt, protection of rights and legal rights of the trustee, direct marketing, protection of property of the trustee) (Ad 5).


Without your express consent, or in the event of an appeal, we may further process personal data only for the purpose of:

• Providing your ordered goods or services. Please note that the confirmation of the order leads to the conclusion of the purchase contract (the procedure for the conclusion of the contract is explained in detail in the terms and conditions). We may also process personal data in order to fulfill a concluded purchase agreement without your explicit consent;

• Compliance with the legal obligations that result from us from generally binding legal regulations;

• If this is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests (enforcement of debt, protection of rights and legal rights of the trustee, direct marketing, protection of property of the trustee).

The lawfulness of the processing of personal data in the above cases is based directly on a regulation, your consent to such processing is not necessary.


You may withdraw your consent (or endorsements) for the processing of your personal data at any time, free of charge, in whole or in part, by sending an e-mail to t-tomi@t-tomi.cz or by sending a letter to Vodni 130/26 , 783 35 Horka nad Moravou. As a result of the withdrawal of your consent, your data will not be further processed within the scope of such revoked consent if its processing is not simultaneously based on any other reason that would entitle us to further processing (for example, the need for processing to meet the contract or of our legitimate interest).

Revocation of consent is without prejudice to the lawfulness of processing based on consent given prior to its recall. By withdrawing your consent, you will not be reduced to the possibility of re-granting consent. If you withdraw your consent, you can still order goods and services at the e-shop.


We will process personal data:

• Until the fulfillment of the rights and obligations arising from the purchase agreement, or

• Until consent expires, but for a maximum of 3 years from its grant, if personal data are processed solely on the basis of such consent, or

• In accordance with, and under the conditions set out in, and for a period to be determined by law;

Personal data processed on another legal basis will be processed to the extent necessary and for the duration of the relevant reason.

Once all the reasons for processing your personal data have ceased, we will eliminate them by deleting or shredding them.

Once all the reasons for processing your personal data have ceased, we will eliminate them by deleting or shredding them.


We will only provide your personal information to selected others in justified cases and to the extent necessary, otherwise only with your prior consent. We will provide you with your personal information here:

• The so-called " personal data processors“, that is, the people with whom we cooperate and whose services we use. We carefully select the processors and cooperate only with those who provide sufficient guarantees of safe processing and are therefore able to ensure the protection of your rights. Processors are committed, amongst others, to adhere to the guidelines for the proper processing of your personal data and to confidentiality. The cooperating processors include in particular:

about shipping companies;

on the accounting firm, Hana Štraitová, Pod Lipami 605, 783 14 Bohuňovice;

about the administrator of our web site, Petra Procházková, Hojerova 1467/2, 664 34 Kuřim.

• Persons authorized under other legislation (in particular law enforcement agencies, etc.)

With your prior consent, your personal information may be made available to others, published in connection with our marketing activity or otherwise processed. We will proceed with any further processing of your personal data only on your express, specific purpose, consent.


No. You do not have to provide us with your personal information. The provision of personal data is voluntary on your part. However, please note that if your personal data is not delivered within the order in the e-shop, the order form will not be sent or the purchase contract will be concluded.


In accordance with the Regulation, you are entitled to:

• Access to personal data;

• Correction of personal data;

• Deletion of personal data (right to be forgotten);

• Processing restrictions;

• Data portability;

• Objection to processing;

• Revocation of consent to the processing of personal data, if processed on its basis;

• Submission of a complaint to the Supervisory Authority.

You can apply for the above rights (for details see below) at t-tomi@t-tomi.cz via a letter sent to the address Vodní 130/26, 783 35 Horka nad Moravou or by phone +420 777 772 118 , unless otherwise indicated.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact t-tomi@t-tomi.cz.

(a) Right of access to personal data

• You have the right to receive a confirmation from us that personal data concerning you are processed or not and, if so, you have the right to access these personal data and information to the following extent: purpose of processing; the category of personal data concerned; the recipients or categories of recipients whose personal data have been or will be made available; the planned time for which personal data will be stored or, if it is not possible, the criteria used to determine that time; the existence of the right to require the controller to repair or erase personal data or to restrict its processing, or to object to such processing; the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority; the fact that automated decision making, including profiling, referred to in Article 22 (1) and (4) takes place.

Please note that much of the above information is already part of these guidelines. Before you ask a question, request to provide personal information, try to find the information you need in this document.

b) The right to repair or erase, or to limit processing

• In the cases provided by the Regulation, you have the right to request the correction or addition of incorrect or incomplete personal data. Furthermore, you have the right to request the deletion of personal data if it is dropped or there is no reason to process it. Last but not least, you have the right to request a limitation on the processing of your personal data if:

o You believe that your processed personal data is inaccurate;

o You believe the processing is illegal and you are not interested in the deletion of your personal data;

o You have made a request for the provision of personal data for the purpose of determining, enforcing or defending legal claims;

o You have objected to the processing under the Regulation.

c) Right to objection

• You have the right at any time to object to the processing of your personal data processed for the purposes of legitimate interests (recovery, maintenance of rights and legal rights of the trustee, direct marketing, asset manager protection).

d) Right to data portability

• You have the right (under the conditions set out in the Regulation) to obtain your personal data and pass it on to another personal data administrator.

e) Right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority

- You have the right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority if you believe the processing of personal data is contrary to the Regulation. The Supervisory Authority is the Office for Personal Data Protection (www.uoou.cz).


We strive to secure your personal data as much as possible. For this purpose, only our selected employees are entitled to handle personal data. All your personal information is stored on a hard drive where access is secured by a password. Personal data are not provided to third parties, unless otherwise stated above.

We periodically review, test and develop your personal data security to reduce the risk of personal data leakage or misuse. 


Down to award this agreement, we could offer products and services according to your needs. Providing our products and services is not conditioned by this agreement. You can also change your decision at any time and cancel your agreement.

All informations connected with personal data protection, as well as your rights and obligations, are contained in a separate document titled "Privacy Policy".

Agreement is granted in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 about the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of data (the so-called "General Regulation on the protection of personal data").

I give the approval to comapny T-tomi Accessories s.r.o., registered office at Vodní 130/26, 783 35 Horka nad Moravou, IČ: 294 50 667, registered in the Commercial Register kept by the Krajský soud Ostrava, under the sp. C 54238 (the "Company"), as a personal data controller, to process my personal data (in particular through collecting, evaluating and storing) for the purpose of identifying and evaluating my needs and sending business communications, including product and service offerings, content newsletters, and in communication with each other, in printed form and / or electronically.

Personal data that will be processed under this consent include the first and last name, full postal address or delivery address, telephone number, e-mail address, IP address of the device used.

I give this consent on a voluntary basis, and I am aware that I can withdraw it at any time in the same way as I have granted it. Consent can be revoked via an e-mail message sent to the email address t-tomi@t-tomi.cz or by a letter sent to Vodní 130/26, 783 35 Horka nad Moravou.

I understand that as a result of not granting or revoking this consent, some of the data service providers may not meet my needs. However, the provision of goods and services on the basis of a concluded purchase contract is not subject to the grant of such consent.